Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 1 of training for Steelhead 2011

OK, so I am all about gear.  I am much better at acquiring gear then I am about making my run faster, which would actually improve my overall times.

It is still very cold here in Indiana and, therefore, a challenging start to my Steelhead 70.3 Ironman training.  However, I decided new gear for my best training partner (my dog Panga) would inspire me.  I then convinced myself that rugged boots to protect her feet from the snow, ice, and salt would definitely jump start my training.  Boots were ordered from RuffWear and dog-humiliation-to-kick-start-winter-training was on.  Panga is game for almost anything but this was a bit much, even for her.  She galloped around the house like a clydesdale.  Tee hee.  Here she is in her new boots (current funny score: Sam 1, Panga 0):

Finally it was time to really go run.  Starting to run for someone who loves gear takes awhile.  Shoes: check, Jacket: check, iPhone: check, This American Life downloaded for running to (I'm a nerd, I know it): check, amphipod pouch for iPhone: check, special nike running headphones: check, gloves/ear band: check, RoadID (shoe and wrist versions): check, Garmin GPS watch: check, Panga: check, Panga's special boots (and socks): check, everything possible reflective: check.  READY TO GO.

Off we go.  I am very concerned Panga will lose her special boots (and socks) on the road, so it takes about a 1/2 mile before I realized that I forgot something very important.  Our neighborhood takes a frugal approach to snow removal.  Therefore, the side roads I run on are covered with an inch of packed ice/snow, which on this sunny day of 25 degrees, the result is a slippery surface with nearly zero traction.  I realize with a growing sense of horror I forgot my YakTrax, which give traction to my running shoes that, in these conditions, have nearly zero grip on this sheet of snow/ice.  I also fully understand I am tied to 35 pounds of VERY MOTIVATED CATTLE DOG who is now essentially towing me behind her enabled by the excellent traction afforded to her by the new boots.  I can only imagine the scene the neighbors were treated to, which involved me skidding along, battling gravity behind an unsympathetic canine running companion.

Funny Score: Sam 1, Panga 10.

After a pretty harrowing 4 miles, the dog boots are billed a success and I have not forgotten my YakTrax once since....

Result?  Panga wins this one.  I begin training for my second 70.3 Ironman!

Please consider supporting my fundraising efforts!

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