Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice/Snow Days (The Storm of the Century & Garden Catalogs/Ironmans...)

For those of you not aware, we are suffering from the 'storm of the century' hitting most of the country.  Our share of this misery is 6" of a nasty ice/snow/sleet mix that has sealed over all of our roads and yard.  The poor dogs are skating as they go out of the bathroom and I don't have any illusions of running outside in the next few days.  We haven't even been out of the house since we got home on Monday.

My one adventure outside went poorly this morning.  I have been going out on the screened in porch to yell at the bored, ramped up dogs to be careful (likely earning the moniker of crazy dog lady at 7626), so we avoid broken legs and other injuries.  Poor little Perri (my 14 year old lady, who is fit as a fiddle) couldn't make it up the two tiny steps to the deck.  She looked at me to come help her, so out I went.  Sure, it was slippery.  Maybe I should have worried when my spry old lady who can clear the entire couch without out a touch of arthritis declined to walk up 4" of step?  Perhaps.  But I was on a mission.  Perri wagged her tail and looked pleased I would save her.  I drew closer, leaned down to pick her up, and WOOSH there I went!  As my 135 lbs descended towards her 17 lbs, I shoved her out of the way.  She flew like an angry hocky puck and ended up about 5' from where she started.  As I tried to get up, unsuccessfully, she used my prone body as sufficient traction and trotted in the house without me. Awesome.

Here's our yard this morning (it is not as dramatic as the 19" in chicago, but everywhere you see white is a solid block of ice):

So, onto the foolish thinking part of the past few days.  What is the best thing to do when you are stuck inside for days and sore from your fall on the ice?  SIGN UP FOR MORE RACES.  This is the athlete's equivalent of the garden catalog.  Dreaming of spring training and summer races to help overcome the monotony of another night in the basement with the bike trainer.....

I may have gotten a little carried away.  Ice Storm + Recent Good Training Runs + Kick Off Team in Training Meeting + Boredom = welllllll..... ANOTHER IRONMAN.  I mean, I'll be in shape.  Right? And it will be good training for Steelhead.  Absolutely.  Crazy???  That too.  So, yes, Muncie 70.3 Ironman July 9th HERE I COME. 

Well, off to a date with the bike trainer.  Hopefully I'll stay away from  Louisville IM in August and marathons in September are starting to sound tempting..... :)

Stay safe, stay warm!

Remember: Don't Hope For A Miracle.  Make One.  My goal is a world without cancer.  Learn more about my mission: